About Us

BoomPromos Team

We are proud of our incredible team that lives and breathes a level of service that has been integral in growing our company and keeping our customers happy. We are proud to tell you a little bit about everyone who makes your promo experience the best it can be.

Since 2007, boompromo has been dedicated to helping marketing departments solve problems and look great doing it. From providing fresh promo products and custom apparel ideas, to building online stores free of charge, we’re focused on making the lives of our clients easier.

Zack Barna


It was clear to Zack more than 10 years ago when he started boompromo that there was a better way to serve customers with promotional products. So, he did. Now, his day-to-day includes helping small businesses and big brands alike fulfill their promotional marketing needs, with an emphasis on quality and service.

  • Favorite Treat: Coconut Cream Pie
  • Favorite way to burn off that coconut cream pie: Cross Fit or Trail Run
  • Dream vacation: Family trip to Manhattan Beach
  • No. 1 way to relax: Reading all the books
  • Favorite book: The Obstacle is the Way, by Ryan Holiday
  • Favorite quote: “Memento Mori. You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think.” – Marcus Aurelius (He actually carries a “Memento Mori” coin in his pocket every day)
  • Cheers for: Nebraska Cornhuskers

Sara Santucci

Production Manager

Sara is the person you can thank when your project is delivered perfectly, and on (or ahead of) schedule. She oversees all our projects—monitoring them from start to finish, even if that means relentlessly hounding manufacturers to make sure your order ships on time. She’s our resident bulldog, but only when circumstances demand. Otherwise, she’s really sweet, we promise.

  • Favorite Treat: Tiramisu
  • Favorite way to burn off that tiramisu: Cross Fit
  • Dream vacation: Italy
  • Guilty Pleasure: Watching terrible reality TV. Jersey Shore is back, ya’ll!
  • Random Quote: “Wine is the answer; what was the question?”
  • Cheers for: The San Francisco 49ers

Nicki Darst


Nicki is so much more than an office manager. She holds boompromo together in every way, with most of her hard work happening behind the scenes. If you do hear from her, it’s probably because you owe us money.

  • Favorite Treat: Peanut butter M&Ms
  • Favorite way to burn off those M&Ms: Long runs on sunny days
  • Dream vacation: Maui with the family
  • No. 1 way to relax: Just driving … anywhere; without any noise, radio, etc.
  • Cheers for: Her kids’ soccer teams

Fourth Teammember


Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet cupcake apple pie jelly beans. Chocolate cake macaroon tootsie roll dragée gummi bears fruitcake jelly-o chocolate carrot cake. Lollipop halvah cookie oat cake dessert dragée pudding oat cake tart. Biscuit marzipan fruitcake cake chocolate cake cake chocolate bar chocolate bar. Chocolate bar pie jelly-o tootsie roll tootsie roll cake.

  • Favorite Treat:
  • Favorite way to burn off:
  • Dream vacation:
  • No. 1 way to relax:
  • Favorite Quote:
  • Cheers for: